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  • 自制涡轮发动机设计方案特价爱好者航模飞行涡扇CAD蓝图
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微型涡轮设计,航模涡轮设计方案等等 设计蓝图草图

中文名: 模型喷气发动机制作手册
发行时间: 2002年
地区: 大陆,美国
语言: 简体中文,英文


修订后,扩大和更新的第三版,这本书受欢迎的。在某程度上,它占据了从schreckling的书籍,但是坎普的看法,设计与科技,是更广泛的,用照片和截面的发动机,以显示不同的方法去做事情。这不是贬低schreckling的书籍,这只是其中一个考虑,他们就到下一阶段。包括基本计划和指令,为建设一个小( 110毫米直径)发动机。 109个很好的说明页面。








《航空涡轮风扇发动机》 为专业发动机教材,供研究航模涡轮发动机有需要的朋友做参考使用。

新增《DIY a Gas-Turbine Engine from an Autornobile Turbocharger Rules

of Thumb》 《用增痒设计涡喷Design and Perfornlance of a Gas-Turbine Engine from

an Autornobile Turbocharger》供制作增痒涡喷作参考。





How do jet engines work@ ...
17.1e open gas turfJille process .
77.Je question (!l e./f/(:iell(r . . . . . . . .
The development history of the ict engine .
It all started ill tbe 1930s . . . . . . . .
771e robust jet ellgines (iftbe 1950s .
Prototypes for model jet engines ..............
Drone ellgines alld AP[!s (AUxilimy POll'er Units)
Early model iet engines ..........
,Uax Ureber:, Babr Mamba ...............
77.Je Sll'edisb PAL ,)'stem and lis successor Turbomin
KlI/1 Scbreckling:, JTurborec T240ji'om]PX .
Model jet cngines to date ...........
1.1. TbeJ-450 by Sopbia Precision
12. AMT - Adl'allCed .licro Turbines.
1.3. 77.1eIq66 . . .. ...
lA. TbeAl1es-Turbines ..
1.5. 77.1(!Jet Cat model tll/'hine
1.6. 77.Je Smallest Engilles . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. '. Turboprop alld Sb{!/i POll'er Ellgilles . .
Chapter 1
The Component Parts of a Model Jet Engine
Special features of small gas turhines
Rotor design ..
Gap lm,es . . . . . . . .
Conclusions relatillg to tbe model jet enRine
The compressor . . . . . . . . . .
Tbe radial compressor .........
7)pical calculatioll for a radial compressor.
Turbocbarger compressors . . . . . . . . .
The compressor cbaracteristic p,rapb .
DijJilser [[beels . . . . . . . . . .
EWimple of calculating tbe dmils('/" s)'stem
77.1esurge limit. . . . . .
The axial compressor . . . . .
Ex'ample calculation: axial compressor stage
Thc comhustion chamher ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Design andjilllcfioll (ltbe coml)[[stioll chamber. .
The question (lIilel
Jlixtureformation . . . . . . . . . . .
77.1e sigllifiCtlllce (!lre-circulation zones. .
Turhine stage and exhaust conc . . . .
HOll' tbe turb/lU' stage ll'orks . . . .
Axial turbine or radial turbille@ . . .. ...... .
Design and l'ector dia!Chapter 2
Chapter 3
1)pical calculatiul/.' turbine design fbr a model jet engine
CellfriJi(alloads on the rotor lI'heel
Tbe exhaust cUlle .. . . . . . . . . .
17.1f' shr!/i I!la mudeljet ell!!,ille . . . . . . . .
Calculatill!!, The critical rotational speed
A Home-made Model Jet Engine
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If'hat tools Il'ill/Ileed@
Selecting materials . . .
The compressur wheel .
Constructing the engine . .
Makin!!, the shr!ft . .
17.7e sbaftt1l/71lel and hearin[@ . . . . . . .
17.7e turhine nozzle f17.7e lllrhine Ii'heel .
Balm/chi!!, .
The compreWJr system ..
17.7e comhustion cham her .
17.7e housin/2, .........
Assembling the components ......
Running the engine for the first time . . . . . .
Bench running stand for kerosene operation . . .
Pumps, tanks and other equipment .
Runnin!!, the en/2,ine on kerosene ......
General instnlctions for different compressors ....
Optimising the performance of modd jet engines
The Engine in Practice . . . . .
Safety: the First Commandment .. .
Measuring the engine's performance data ..
Rutational speed pressure and thrust. . .
.Heasurementsjbr the adl'anced operator
Using jet engines in modd aircraft ...
Fundamental specialfealllres ..
Howiet engines hehal'e in flight .
Air ill take desiRn .
Cooling the fi/sela/2,e
Auxiliary Equipment . . . . . . . . . , , , , , . ' , , . . . . . . . .
Particular problems encountered in jet-powered flight
Thrust delay. .
Gyroscopic £!{lects .
Fault-finding . . . . . . . . , ,
W'hat the sound I!lthe engine tells you
Exceeding the pressure limit (surRinp)
A standard problem ............ ..........
Maintenance and repair ... .
Checkin/2, the hearinfCleaning the en/2,ine
Notes .. . .
1 . Introduction
2. The basic physical and technological principles
behind the model turbo-iet engine
2.1 How a simple turbo-jet works
2.2 The right way to construct a gas turbine rotor using amateur means
2.3 The combustion system
2.3.1 Fuels
2.3.2 Combustion chamber and vaporiser
2.4 Temperature problems
2.5 Cooling
3. The iet engine and the model
3.1 The essential differences between jet turbine propulsion and propeller propulsion
3.2 The forces acting on a model aircraft in typical phases of flight
3.2.1 Ground take-off
3.2.2 Climb performance and maximum speed
3.2.3 A typical power man@euvre: the loop
3.3 Flying experience with turbo-jet models
3.3.1 Turbo-jet models to date
3.3.2 Characteristics of turbo-jet models
3.4 The turbo-jet engine in flight
3.5 oise
3.6 Model recommendations
4. Designing a model turbo-iet: the calculations
4.1 Speed triangles and speed plans
4.2 Designing the turbine stage
4.3 Designing the compressor stage
4.3.1 Design of the compressor wheel relating to airflow
4.3.2 Design of the diffuser system
4.3.3 Strength of the compressor wheel
4.4 Fuel consumption
4.4.1 Calculating the fuel consumption of the FD (咨询特价)
4.4.2 The operating parameters corresponding to optimum fuel consumption
5. Measuring apparatus, measuring techniques and
the analysis of measured results
5.1 Measuring rotational speed
5.2 Measuring pressure
5.3 Measuring thrust

Measuring temperature
Measuring fuel consumption
Measuring the direction of flow at the jet outlet
Analysing measured results
Other accessories
Ignition systems
Fuel metering system
Starting equipment
Fan or compressed air
Electric starters
Building instructions for the IIFD 3/64" iet turbine
General information
Constructing the components
The rotor system
The shaft
The compressor wheel
The turbine wheel
The internal structure
The housing
Turbine diffuser blade system and turbine housing
Attaching the diffuser blade system to the housing
Centring the internal structure
Making the front section
The combustion chamber
The vaporiser
Installing the vaporiser in the combustion chamber
Annular jet
Final assembly
Parts list
Specification of the IIFD 3/64" turbo-iet engine
Running characteristics and operating instructions
The results of an uncontrolled fuel supply
The influence of air pressure and temperature
Initial test running: starting and running the engine on propane / butane gas
Starting and running the engine on a diesel/petrol mixture
FD 3/67 LS, the turbo-iet from a kit
Sources of supply


